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Weekly Tarot Zodiac

May 6th through May 12th, 2024

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This reading was done by M)O(rrigan, level III Student at The Sacred Three, using the Nature's Whispers Oracle by Angela Hartfield and Josephine Wall.


Wild Card of the Week: Influences All Signs

You Have a Wish Free

I hear the song Breakaway, it represents the energy of this week's Wild Card. As children, we not only believe in wishes, and that we could achieve our desire by wishing, but we also know exactly what we wish for, or better ‐ what we want. Is that still true today? Would you know immediately what you would wish for? This card is as such, as it represents the free wish, asking us to focus on our desire and set the goals we want to achieve in life. So it actually emphasizes on the precondition of a fulfilled free wish ‐ the intuitive and strong belief that your wish will come true.


Aries: March 21 - April 19

The Great All

There are so many things happening without us even taking notice. Consider this when you try to plan for all eventualities, or when you try to understand things by learning every little detail. When we are lost in the nitty gritty it helps us to take a step back and see the whole picture. Now, just as it is with art in a gallery, with those huge paintings? When you stand too close you see the strokes of the brush and some colors ‐ only when you take a look at it from far do you see the beautiful light and the trees of an autumn landscape&ellip; Change your perspective when you are stuck, see the situation from someone else's point of view, or literally change yours. Sit on the cabinet, go on a mountain top, travel somewhere to get a new view on the matter, get a clear mind.


Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Loosen the Old

Knowledge and long experience can make us blind, even when we hold the key to the solution of a problem. Experience can harden our heart, blunt our senses. Like the flowers in spring grow out from the rotten dead leaves, we have to let go of old memories, thought patterns, and ways of feeling and seeing the world, when we want to have a fresh start. Let go of the stuff that reminds you of, or connects you to the past. Make space in your head, heart, and home, to create your new reality. You travel easier with a lighter load.


Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Gate to New Possibilities

The door to new possibilities is open. Be curious and not frightened. The life, your situation now, also began with an opportunity like this one. Life is about making choices. This door now will stay open and you will have the time to wrap up, to say thanks to yourself for the wonderful work you created. You may enjoy the coziness and security of this world you built, and then move on with fresh and powerful energy toward the new possibilities that have opened up.


Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Be Spontaneous

Seize the moment, don't overthink or over‐plan but live in the now. See the beauty in your life and the fragility of the moment. Life may have unlearned you to be spontaneous and it can be hard for you, make you feel insecure. Begin with little things then. Life can be exhausting but we can take enjoyment and strength by living in the moment and relish it. Feel the little precious things in life. Use this power for your creativity. How often do you sit in front of your screen working while you could take a short break and sit on your balcony or a bench outside in a park. Look at nature, the bees and butterflies, smell the air. Or take your child out for a walk, spend time with your beloved ones, understanding and aware of the preciousness of this moment.


Leo: July 23 - August 22


Listening to your intuition is important. I see that this ability, this super power, is nowadays so underestimated which tells us a lot about today's society. You are lucky to have a great connection to your inner voice, your belly feeling. Don't get discouraged when you misunderstand ‐ our intuition improves each time we listen to it. The more you trust yourself, the clearer your inner communication works. This card is a reminder that you have this wisdom within which leads you wherever you go ‐ just in case you forgot 😉


Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Make Your Decision

The time is right and you seem to be ready to make a decision. So, choose to move ahead towards your aim. Remember that deciding is the first step in order to change our current position. Use this favorable energy of this week for your transformation.


Libra: September 23 - October 22

Grant Your Support

We all live in a big community. It is time you give something to those around you, offer your support. There are so many ways to do that when you keep an open eye for the people around you and their little or big problems. Take care of the cat of your neighbor so she can travel to her friend. Tell people when you appreciate them. I once told a lady on the bus that I admired her how graceful she walks in these murderous high heels. We are still friends today 😀 Try to see how you can help to make the life of your friends and people around you less hard and complicated in any ways that you can. Bake a cake and bring it to work. A smile can lift heavy loads.


Scorpio: October 23 - November 21


This week your lesson is to value pauses. Take a break during the day, even a short one, to recreate from the work. We can also take a break from negative feelings and thoughts that hinder us to heal, as they burn up all the positive energy we have built up. Pauses are important to be strong enough to face any situation in life. The more power you have the less challenging things will be for you.


Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21


We are always growing in life, always evolving. This happens in cycles. Be watchful and listen to the things happening around you. They are all part of the changes and the new cycle to come. Spend time in nature to get inspired. Learn more about what interests and attracts you. This way you actively contribute and grow towards your next cycle.


Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Be Faithful to Yourself

Keep a very good and close connection with your inner self. Always stay true and faithful to your ideals and ethics. Whatever you do in life always listen within and be sure of how you feel with the one or other decision. You are always the best measure and the highest instance for a decision. Be brave and don't do favors. Whenever we decide to please others, or avoid trouble, or hurt feelings, these choices will bite us later if they were not completely in line with our inner compass. So, trust in yourself and not in the reassuring of others.


Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Let Your Dreams Become True

Dreams can become true, but right now is the time to prepare for them well. So, take first steps and pragmatic action. Your reasonable detailed plans will have to be realized, before your dreams can become reality . Ground yourself and don't let lofty ideas distract you.


Pisces: February 19 - March 20


Contemplate means allowing yourself to enjoy time on your own. In these busy times, we are constantly dragged outside ourselves. We are not living in a vacuum and to function in a society or relationship, our attention needs to be with others. Right now however, it seems you need more silent time, maybe after an intense time of care for loved ones or engagement at work and family. Maybe you have already felt the urge for silence. Whenever it is possible for you, take breaks where you can seclude and withdraw for a while. You need to be healthy in order to help others.